Knightmare Lexicon - A Knightmare Encyclopædia

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1. The Quest, Issue 4-2
This was the very last issue of The Quest in the Summer of 1995.

Sadly, copies were not circulated in great numbers, and many dedicated Knightmare fans missed out on ever receiving the copy. This meant that some readers never received the advert for The Eye Shield, and therefore were unable to join the small group who did receive the newsletter. Perhaps if it had been received more universally, a greater number of Knightmare fans would have been able to aid the set up the website which now exists. The fact that these earliest of members were unable to do so is far from their own fault, regardless.

Its major breaking news was of course the fact that Knightmare was not going to return, and also attached to this issue was a £10 gift voucher for Knightmare merchandise.

A link to this evasive newsletter can be found here.

Thanks to Mashibinbin for supplying additional content.

Provided By: Kieran, 2004-11-23 17:21:40
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